Friday, December 17, 2010

wrapping up issue #1

I'm about to publish the last piece for Issue #1, Shannon Anthony's short short fiction piece, "Programmed Self-destruction," and I wanted to say that it's been a super exciting fall here at trans lit mag.  Thanks to everyone who submitted and to everyone who read.  I'm inspired by all of you.  Issue #2 will begin Dec 21, and we already have a few pieces scheduled for the first few weeks.  Plans are also in the works for a trans lit mag reading sometime soon.  If you would like to be on our mailing list, email me at or like us on Facebook (as well as in the real world). 

Since Shannon's piece will only be on the website for a few days, she has graciously agreed to let us share it with you here on the blog as well.  (Electronic copies of Issue #1 will be available shortly.)  So without further ado:  

Programmed Self-destruction
by Shannon Anthony

Family?  History?

Bravo.  USA.  E!

What?  My family had more sets than members.  Nothing special about what went on after school.  Good times (happy days, wonder years).  Did I jump, or was I written off the family tree?  No lifelines left, but who wants to take this cliff

hanger seriously?  Respond to jeopardy in the form of questions?  Not in the home version.  Paraphrase a parachute, cable stitch a safety net, quilt some scraps into a blanket statement.  Daytime talk and nighttime talk in-between these messages.  That oughta hold me.  It's been a very special episode, with enough Learning and Discovery to last a Lifetime.  Naturally it looks bad from this angle, at this velocity, through this faux hand-me-down shroud.  Dead air looms.  Don't touch that dial!  And don't point that thing at me.  Or are you just happy to see me?  Oh, the wacky misunderstandings we get ourselves into, week in, week ou—

 Shannon Anthony just makes this stuff up.  The accompanying piece is pure fiction; she's never watched TV in her life.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.  You may remember her from such links as and We'll be right back.  

So much fun.  Thank you and good night.  See you on the flip side.  Cheers,


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